The 7 Keys to a Winning Mindset 
How's business? OK? Got your strategy in place? Awesome!! Did you know though, that strategy is only 20% responsible for our business success?  
Developing a winning mindset is key to achieving success in both business and life. 80% of our success is down to having the right mindset for what we want to achieve. 
Whether you are a Business Owner, Executive, or an HR Professional, having the right mindset is crucial for overcoming challenges, seizing opportunities, and driving your business, department or career forward. Identifying any mindset barriers that may be holding you back, whether it's to do with attitude, beliefs that don't serve you, or a tendency to make excuses this can help. 
I have created an ebook that looks at the key things that need to be present to create that positive, winning mindset and I would love to share it with you. 
Just click the button to get your copy .. arriving in your inbox (once you've said i am allowed to pop in)  
Grab a copy of the 7 Keys to a Winning Mindset over on the right 
Do you use lists? 
You might just have one for shopping or you might be the King or Queen of lists … 
You may just see them as an unnecessary evil and just can’t be bothered because after all you remember everything you have to do!! 
Or do you?? 
Well I have put together my thoughts on lists and yes I do believe they have a value 
I’m not so sure though one big list is the answer though … 
you know that feeling it provokes? “I can’t possible get everything done off this list” and so actually you stop and don’t do anything well except the smaller, more insignificant, quick to get off the list stuff! 
Here are some of the things I suggest to my clients to help them just get more stuff done! 
I just need to know where to send it and its yours. So, click on the link below and pop your details in the box and The Power of the Little List is yours to keep. 
So do you just need a bit more time to get the stuff done? 
Well here’s the thing (that you know right?) there is no more time available!! 
We all get exactly the same amount .. 1440 minutes a day, 24 hours in each of the 7 days a week. Once it has gone – it has gone for ever. So we need to make the best use of the time we have available and let’s face it .. some of that 1440 minutes we need to sleep, eat and other mundane stuff! 
So one of the things I love to share with my clients is how to make the most of the time they have available for doing their important staff. It really works. So I’d love to share with you one of the tips I share with them (well actually there are probably several here) to help you just get more stuff done. 
**So click on the link below and drop your details in the box and I will send you my ‘Get your stuff done today productivity planner’.** 
Once you have it you can just keep using it. 
All the instructions are on the sheet but if you do get stuck – just drop me an email and I will help you out. 
Hope it is really helpful and you really do get more stuff done! 
Is this You? 
Emails all over the place? 
You know the one you need is there somewhere but where? 
You can’t remember who actually sent it and the search isn’t working. 
You need to reply to it .. maybe you did .. just check the sent items. Can’t spot it. 
Oh look I’ve missed this one better deal with it now. 
Oh what was I doing. 
No idea … go and get a coffee!! 
Is it time to treat your email inbox like you treat your doormat? 
Let me explain. 
The postman arrives with your mail .. you collect it, pick it up off the mat and open it. You will read some of it. 
Some of it you will deal with immediately and file the letter or throw it in the bin as you don’t need it. 
Some of it you will pop in your in tray to deal with later. 
What you definitely don’t do is leave it half opened, half unopened on your doormat for days, weeks even months searching through it every time you think you may need something. 
Get my FREE ‘how to get your email to zero’ top tips sheet and start effectively managing your electronic mail like you do your snail mail. 
Habits – 
Those things we do with out thinking or the things that just zap our time! 
Do you know what I mean? 
Check out my video (if you’ve not already where I explain a bit more .. I know it says Thursday but if it’s not its a great thought for any day!) 
Do you know what though ? 
If we carry on without paying attention to the stuff we do without noticing we use our time, we don’t get things done off our action list and we end up frustrated as the day has passed us by. 
I’ve put together a worksheet to just help you think about your habits .. so give yourself and your business the gift of 10 minutes.