Brain Dump Exercise
Don't know where to start? Can't see the wood for the trees? This might just help!
Too much going on in your head? Don't know what to do first ? Just feel defeated and wish it would all just go away?
You've got overwhelm.
The problem with overwhelm is that you can just freeze and rather than takign the action you need to take, you literally do nothing.
Lots of us allow tasks to remain undone, unfinished or on the 'in a bit' pile and all of that compounds to that feeling of overwhelm and the desire to stick our head under the duvet!
There' s good news though - working through the Brain Dump Exercise will help.
What's a Brain Dump?
It's a non fancy term for getting all that stuff going on in your head into an unorganised list. So taking all the 'To Do's' the 'might dos', things to remember, ideas, thoughts out of your head and into a more 'permanent' place - such as a piece of paper.
By getting all that stuff out of your head, you allow yourself to be able to focus on one thing without the worry that you will forget everything else.
Grab a copy of my Brain Dump Exercise instructions and I invite you to give it a go!
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