Courses and Programmes
Self Development
Is it THAT important?
You might have heard of Investors In People? It's an award that Companies can work toward to show that they invest in their people and to be honest why wouldn't they invest? If they are a good company and value the people that work for them, they should invest in their most expensive resource.
As Business Owners, we are our own most expensive resource. So why would we not invest in ourselves? To develop our own skills and be better at 'our thing'.
We do need to take time out of our business to work ON IT rather than always working IN IT!
So what can you expect?
I believe learning should be fun - why wouldn't it be?
Each workshop is packed full of helpful stuff - to help you grow your business.
Mix with other busines owners, do a bit of networking as well as develop the skills or think about the stuff you;'ve come to do.
I’ll share tool and techniques to support you in your business.
There may be handouts, workbooks - there will certianly be pennies dropping, realisations and some sifting of the stuff that is keeping you stuck!
There may even be a bit of challenge to help you on that journey!
What's the Difference?
Workshops - half day or full day learning or developing a specific topic. One off event.
Mastermind - a group of likeminded business people coming together in a maximum group of ten, to share challenges, ideas, actions and keep each other accountable - because it's so easy to let ourselves off!