The Power of the Little List - freebie 
Want to know more about lists? .. this is for you! 
Do you use lists? 
You might just have one for shopping or you might be the King or Queen of lists … 
You may just see them as an unnecessary evil and just can’t be bothered because after all you remember everything you have to do!! 
Or do you?? 
Well I have put together my thoughts on lists and yes I do believe they have a value 
I’m not so sure though one big list is the answer though … 
you know that feeling it provokes? “I can’t possible get everything done off this list” and so actually you stop and don’t do anything well except the smaller, more insignificant, quick to get off the list stuff! 
Here are some of the things I suggest to my clients to help them just get more stuff done! 
I just need to know where to send it and its yours. So, click on the link on the right and pop your details in the box and The Power of the Little List is yours to keep.