Have you got a personal trainer in your life? 
I have. It's tough .. They are always there with their beady eye watching what you are up to, challenging behaviour and actions that don't fit with your plan for success. 
They challenge you out of your comfort zone, help you rid yourselves of those limiting beliefs you've maybe had since you were rubbish at games at school ( you know nearly always picked last for the team!) but mainly they hold you to account for the actions you have chosen to take. 
So it's a bit like having a Business Coach in your business, supporting you, challenging you, helping with the stuff that keeps you stuck - limiting beliefs, confidence you can do it and accountability for just taking the right focussed action. 
So today I wrote a letter to my personal trainer Scott Kempin at Urban Bodyfit, because it was time I said some stuff I had been holding back on ... 
Hi Scott 
What a life changing decision I took that moment I accepted your kind offer to have a session in the gym.. Just so I knew what to do at home. 
Having detested exercise as a child, having tried odd things but not stuck at much (bit too much effort) having a Personal Trainer was so far from anything I ever imagined I would have. 
Imagine having somebody keeping their eye on what I was doing, holding me to account for doing exercise, me having to actually exercise regularly. Ha ha.. What a dreadful thought. 
But somehow that session, coupled with my genuine desire to be #fitfaband50.. I found myself telling you I'd like to work with you. OMG Vicky what are you saying? This is going to be hard, painful and he's going to stand no nonsense! 
I got your first email that told me there were no excuses.. I was queen of those! My friend laughed and told me I'd met my match. As a biz coach I challenge and question excuses in a bit of a no nonsense way.. So yes I need that too. 
Well 2 months on.. Your support has been amazing. People (and I) are noticing a huge change in what I look like, not only in my shape but my skin, my energy, what I eat (most of the time) and my commitment to myself. 
It's so different having that accountability for my decisions but also someone I can check in with (sorry I know I do that too much). Someone who keeps the programme changing to work on the right 'body bits', changes things if they aren't working or cause proper pain.. It's not like having a video or a gym based bod. Someone who gets to know you, your limiting beliefs, challenges your rubbish excuses.. Well any excuses! 
You've got me away from my scales addiction, be really thinking and questioning about what I'm doing , drinking more water and somehow got me confessing when I had pizza and crisps.!! 
There are times when I really have 'hated' (not really) you when you make me start again cos I'm messing about #somean, times when it's been hard to do it.. But know that you'll be there wanting to know what excuse I've dreamt up now so there's no point 😂 and most days just hurting in one part of my body. (but a good hurt) You constantly push me out of my comfort zone expecting I demand more effort and results from me. 
I have never worked so hard exercising, been so consistent in exercising and love what I am doing (most of the time). 
I am now 50.. And starting to feel fit and fab. 
Vicky x 
This is a genuine testimonial to Scott but it really got me thinking that I act like a personal trainer in the lives of the business owners I work with. They get the results and success they are seeking, they get more stuff done, they take action on the right stuff at th right time and they have me keeping a watchful eye to just check they are doing the stuff they committed to do. After all, as Business owners is really easy to let ourselves off- isn't it? 
Could I be the PT in your business? - happy to have a chat to find out. 
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